Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Truth, Lies and Worms

Good Morning Friends!
Monday morning as Terry was praying with me he prayed that God would help me to believe only His truth.  There are times when it feels like Terry knows me better than me and it really ticks me off.  But this time it warmed my heart and made me crumble.  He had nailed it.  Silently, secretly lies had wormed their way into my brain.  Worms, that is what they are.  The kids are working on a garden and in the process have dug up lots of worms.  Now I have read that worms are good for gardens.  So after they have brought each one to show me I have instructed for them to put them back.  The worms I am talking about here are not the good kind but the bad kind that eats and destroys whatever is good growing in your mind.  I have thought about lies and truth ever since Terry prayed that over me.  Our minds are like a plot of ground.  Our thoughts can either till the ground so that truth can be planted and we grow or thoughts can be a shovel that digs and digs away at the ground and soon we are so deeply in that we can't get out.  We can't even see light anymore.  Been there?  Lies come from everywhere.  They can come from within, since we are first fleshly  beings.  They can come from without.  You will never convince me that what you watch, read, listen to, hang out with does not influence your thinking.  I have heard it said there are two dogs inside us.  One being the flesh the other the Spirit.  Whichever one you feed will get bigger and stronger until it chases the other dog away!  Which one are you feeding?  It is so easy to feed the flesh.  Flip on the t.v and you can spend mindless hours feasting on every pleasure you fancy.  Listen to any station up and down the dial and you will find a song that will validate your mood and emotions.  Peruse any trash-azine at the grocery aisle and stuff yourself with fluff.  Oh but what is the harvest from that?  Things left undone, actions and decisions based on our rights, wants and desires.  When will we see that what we put in really comes out?  To feed the Spirit takes work just like anything worthwhile.  It takes making time to sit before the Father and let Him speak truth to you from His word and sometimes He whispers it in your ear.  It is too sweet!  It takes having the strength to pull the weeds or getting rid of all that crud that you are stuffing in.  In addition to His word find a good book by a godly author and read.  Even in little bits at a time.  Some of us have never moved any closer to God than our conversion.  And I want to tell you there is just so much more to this relationship.  God is really very romantic in His wooing.  He is tender and strong.  I have found Him able to be trusted with my deepest darkest secrets and failures.  Further on in Romans 1 Paul says that those who have exchanged truth for lies are senseless, faithless, heartless he even goes so far as to lump in murderers, evil, gossips ,God-Haters!  It is is bad enough to be called faithless but to be listed in with murderers and God-Haters...This is serious!  I also find it scary that in the same chapter he says that  they exchanged natural desires for the unnatural.  Now he was speaking of things they were involved in sexually (women, too) But I have known women who ingested lies instead of truth and as a result had no desire to mother their own children and walked away from their husbands.  Definitely not natural.  This life has enough pitfalls and snares but to continue on without His word takes away the guard rails, the bumper zones.  How do we know what is a lie?  In my experience a lie divides me.  From God, from Terry from my children, from my true purpose.  The truth propels me toward God, toward Terry toward Caleb, Grace-Ann and Jacob toward my purpose.  I hope this email makes you sober in your walk but also free from the entanglement of lies.  Run and be free, life is so much better that way.  I love you.
Untangling myself even now,

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