I LOVE coffee! I love it anytime of day. I love it when I wake up, right when I wake up and I love it right before bed. At times this has made me feel like my Memaw (or grandmother to you formal people). Terry says I have a problem. That I might as well smoke a pack of cigarettes cause its the same thing. I disagree! It's not just the coffee, I love my cup. It's just a plain black stoneware cup. But it is my cup! Everyone knows this is mom's cup. When my cup is dirty, in the dishwasher, when I realize the next morning I forgot again to turn it on. I can get bummed! Crazy I know but I am just being for real! This morning I slept late, missed quiet time, missed my time with Terry before he left. I was bummed. As I pulled out my black cup to console my self over my black brew (yes black is how I love it) I thought I am like this cup. When I have gotten up early, had my time with Him, I am clean and ready to go. Ready to fulfill my purpose. Ready to serve others. Ready to pour out all He has poured in me. Pour on my husband the love and respect he needs. Pour on my children the time and attention they need. Full of the word and His Spirit so I will be prepared for any situation. This morning I was like my dirty unwashed unusable coffee cup sitting in my dirty dishwasher unable to be used. Now the coffee is still there, waiting to be poured into my cup, but the cup wasn't ready. The Lord was still there waiting on me, in my favorite chair in the living room. Waiting to give me what I needed to get through this day successfully but I wasn't ready! On my own I have nothing to fill it with. There is no good in me to pull from. I have no strength on my own, no wisdom, no talent, no, nothing good. As His cup I grieve the time I missed with Him this morning, and offer up to Him the time I have now. Not near as quiet or as long but all I have. Tomorrow however when He opens the cupboard of my day I want to be sitting there, and I want Him to say "Oh my favorite! She is here! Come let me fill you, I have the perfect job for you to do today, and only you will do"
Father forgive us for rushing into our day unprepared! Help us to take so seriously the job you have for us to do. Even though I am just a plain black cup, I want to be used and filled and used and filled. Fill us up today Lord so that we can pour on others your love and your guidance and wisdom and patience and thankfulness and mercy and grace. God I need you. Amen
Love you girls so much, prayed for each and everyone of you this morning.
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