Alright, I know several of you were unable to come to the fabulous ladies luncheon so I thought I would bring it to you! Okay first off it was an awesome lunch with fruit and chicken salad, drink of choice and pound cake! The entire Thirst team was working and serving, even the speakers were waiting on about humility!! Imagine being at a table surrounded by women of different seasons, some you know, some you don't. There are linen tablecloths, candles, little dove chocolates. Quiet music in the background. Kids with their work and lunches whisked off to a safe and secure location.
The Holy Spirit was there, I hope He is there with you as I describe.
They talked about having a Cross-Centered life. What that means and what that looks like. It was powerful! First off Mary Ann Loeving shared that through the power of the cross we are saved. Praise God, nothing we have done or can boast about, but all Him!
Second the cross gives us the power to obey the Word of God. Scripture calls us to obey God. To teach the Word of God to our children. To honor our husbands and respect them and their role. To choose our words carefully. Ouch Ouch Ouch! Of course several examples were given, but I am just given you a quick run down.
Third we are forgiven through the power of the cross. I love in Romans where it says there is no condemnation in Christ. I also love the verse in Colossians where it says we have been transferred from darkness into the kingdom of Christ. I am so glad Satan can't remind Jesus of where He found me!
Fourth, Jennifer Slenk talked about the power of the cross to forgive others. This is where I felt most convicted. If someone has hurt me or my family it is so hard to let go and let God. She used the example of holding on to hurts like holding on to broken pieces of glass. It continues to hurt and you won't heal.
Fifth, we have the power to love the unlovable. Mrs. Slenk gave a powerful testimony of forgiving her husband and loving the unlovable. We could relate it to a mother-in-law, a co-worker, or also maybe we have a spouse that needs forgiveness. Even if it seems impossible or that we have the "right" to withhold. God calls us in His word to "Bless those who persecute you. Bless and curse not"
Lastly, we have the power to serve. Children, husband, neighbors....etc. Jesus made Himself nothing, to come and serve man. This is so opposite of the world isn't it. Everything we read, watch, listen to says take what you can, you must make yourself happy first. That just isn't Biblical. Hard stuff right?
I hate you girls couldn't be there with me. It was such a precious time of learning what the Bible says about living this life. Of course I haven't done the time justice, or the speakers, or the lunch. I have really felt God saying to me this week "Carrie, are we going to do this for real or not?" My desire to go deeper with Him has intensified. I don't want to have the world anymore. I don't want to try to do both. I want all of Him and none of me. But so much of that means daily denying my wants, my needs, my comfort, my pleasures. The devil wants us to think that this world, that what he offers is the best to this life. But what I am finally seeing is that is a lie! We must live fully engaged in this battle. I want to squish his ugly head every day. I want to carry my cross as well as He carried His. I don't want to do it by myself. We are stronger together.
Don't forget next Thursday is when we meet again. Can't wait to spend some real time with you.
I love you and I am glad you are my sis! I am also thankful that we get to do this journey of life together. The depths of God are amazing and his spirit is so real. I am praying for all of you ladies as you seek Him.