Good Mornig! I just recieved some info on a girls conference. It looks fantastic. Mary Kassian is one of the speakers at this event. I have been to something she has been apart of and loved her passion for God's word. The weekend is February 11-12. The cost of the conference is $45 plus a hotel and food. It is located in Hendersonville, TN, just over 3 hours from here. I wanted to put the info out there and see if any of you were interested in it. You know how I feel about time away from husbands and babies, but this weekend would be beneficial to you and them. This would be unlike anything you have ever heard before. Not to mention how much fun we had last time when we were all together over night. Spoons, anyone? Let me know.
Also wanted to remind you of the ladies prayer meeting tonight at church at 7. I will be there. We will be praying for the Thirst event and also personal revival. If you have any longing or desire to be different than who you are right now, for Christ to change your heart, your outlook or your circumstances come with me to invite Him back into our lives, our homes and our church!
Love you
Sounds like fun! let me talk to my hubby:)