Thursday, March 17, 2011

Who can show us any good?

Oh why am I up?  I am tired, I had a long day and I have an even longer day laid out for me tomorrow.  Not bad long either days, long good days.  I should be in bed.  It could have something to do with the 2 diet cokes I drank this afternoon.  It seems the older I get the more sensitive I get to caffeine.  But it also may have something to do with all the stuff God is doing in and around me.  God is on the move here with me and my family, with you and your family, on this planet earth.  He is drawing me ever so closer everyday.  Revealing more sin to repent of, more goodness to be grateful for, I am overwhelmed.  It seems like every thing I am reading and hearing has to do with living more simply.  Living more on the edge for Him.  Trusting and waiting.  This morning in my shortened quiet time I found myself in my room in my chair asking Him to draw near to me.  I wanted to just press my face into His robe.  (I don't know if He wears a robe, but that is just how I picture Him, work with me)  I love Him.  More than I ever have.  As I was praying and reading the Scripture I was struck by this verse, Psalm 4:6-7 "There are many who say 'Who will show us any good?' Lord lift up the light of your face upon us!" I read it over and over.  Out loud and quietly.  The world is asking "who can show us any good?".  When their marriages are falling apart, finances are lacking, health is deteriorating.  The world shouts "Who can show us any good?"  And His people should shout back "We can"  "We can"  "The Lord is alive and at work in HIs people's lives".  He is on the move.  But sadly we are so busy, so stinking preoccupied with our own lives and our own dissappointments that we say nothing back.  Or maybe we have so limited the amount of God in our lives that we don't see any good either.  Oh how we have failed as His people.  God help us!  We are to be His billboards.  Living and breathing His glory to be displayed to all so that a lost and dying world may be drawn to Him.  Tonight or I guess I could say this morning my prayer is that we would trust Him and wait on Him.  And then when He works to shout it to all.  That is my goal.  So much of my life depends on Him coming through.  Terry and I have never been able to explain how we have made it on one income for so long.  It has been Him all the way.  All the healing that He has done in my life and in my marriage can not be attributed to any man.  It is Him.  It is not my power, grace, patience, knowledge that I homeschool these kids.  It is HIm.  It is not by my finances or wealth that we move forward to adopt.  It is HIm.  Miracles done every single day by Him and through Him.  There is no good in me, no nothing.  It is Him.  Dear Lord lift up the light of Your face upon us so that when they ask where is any good we can show them You!  May we lay aside any fear or possesion that weights us down in this life.  We are your people may we live like it.  Amen.
Love you

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